
Sharifa Abu-Fatuah Hair loss is due to many reasons

Cairo - Shaimaa Makkawi A comprehensive nutrition consultant, Dr. Sharifa Abu Al-Fatouh, revealed how to treat hair loss with proper nutri...

معلومات الكاتب

Cairo - Shaimaa Makkawi

A comprehensive nutrition consultant, Dr. Sharifa Abu Al-Fatouh, revealed how to treat hair loss with proper nutrition.

In an exclusive statement to Egypt Today, Sharifa Abu Al-Fatouh added: Of hair, but hair loss becomes noticeable only when hair grows after hair loss. Burns, radiation therapy, or thyroid disorders can lead to hair loss, in particular In women, some drugs also cause hair loss, such as chemotherapy drugs, birth control pills, anticoagulants, certain drugs of pressure, and the drug zeolopom, which treats gout, and acute illnesses when accompanied by high temperature can cause temporary suspension "There are some useful herbs to treat hair loss, which are ginkgo and sold as ginkolides. Eating 40 to 60 mg twice to three times a day helps revitalize the cycle," he said. In the scalp, "and to resist hair loss caused by a For nervous tension, famous herbalist James Duke advises using a shampoo after mixing two tablespoons of dried safflower with two thirds of a cup of olive oil. Put the mixture on the head and leave for 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing. For proper hair loss, avoid sweets and fatty foods.

If hair loss occurred during or after a short period of time or some other problem, thimopentin, which works to counteract the damage that T cells can attach to the layer of skin cells surrounding the follicles, Hair

It is essential to eat foods rich in biotin such as yeast, brown rice, peas, lentils, oats, soybeans and sunflower seeds Almonds and should not eat foods containing raw eggs. It does not only carry the risk of salmonella infection, but it is also rich in avidin, a protein that binds to biotin and prevents its absorption.

There are some general observations to deal with hair lying on a slanted board with a head Down for 15 minutes each day to allow blood to latch To the scalp every day, hair is weak when it is wet so gently rub on your hair until dry and get rid of the remaining moisture by a towel, and should avoid the use of non-natural products for hair and use only products made of natural elements with a neutral ionic hydrogen concentration.

The extract contains a substance that helps prevent the fall of hair can be taken orally (except for those suffering from high pressure) or use it ostensibly, and there are some vitamins and minerals useful for hair loss such as zinc is taken from 50 to 100 mg per day, it urges the growth Hair by Milling of the immune system, and ingestion of copper 3 mg per day, it works with zinc as an assistant to hair growth 3, and there is vitamin E starts with 40 IU It increases the absorption of oxygen, which improves blood circulation of the scalp and improves the health and growth of hair.

B2 mg, 3 times daily with B5 with B6 with biotin they are important vitamins for the health and growth of hair



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